Our hotel in Dublin

Friendly Breakfast Run followed by more sightseeing and photos before Sunday evening’s Joints in Motion pre-race dinner.
Sightseeing in Dublin – our trip to Ireland and escapades in Dublin
Pasta Dinner – International Breakfast Run, J.I.M. pasta dinner
The Marathon – running commentary of race day
Celebration and Recovery – more photos, more Guinness!
Adventures in Dublin prior to race day
Sunday: Breakfast Run and Pasta Dinner
First was breakfast in the hotel dining room under the watchful eyes of the “Serving Nazi” (No self-service on her watch!). A 9:30 bus brought us to a large fitness club for the International Breakfast Run, a 3K loop around the block prior to snacks and T-shirt exchange in the gym. Banana, drinkable yogurt, chocolate muffin and juice. We got an official Breakfast Run T-shirt on the way in and an extra on the way out!
— International Breakfast Run shirt (front and back) —
I took the tour bus across the O’Connell Street Bridge back to the museum area. They only opened at 2pm. The Natural History Museum is know locally as the “museum of the dead” since it consists entirely of native species preserved animals. The National Museum of Ireland features exhibits on Ireland’s gold, history and road to independence. Of course it rained on my walk back to the hotel and you know where my umbrella was. But I was growing more concerned that my legs were getting sore from walking and I had a 26 mile run to look forward to the next day!
The Lord Mayor’s House
A 5:30 bus brought us across town to the Joints in Motion Pasta Dinner held in a round ballroom at the mayor’s residence. Speeches, Irish dancers, good atmosphere and good food. The muffin was so good that I didn’t even bother with cake. Even with the delay of waiting for a second bus, I was back at the hotel in plenty of time to relax and lay out my “gear” in preparation for the next morning. New Balance shoes and shorts, socks and bunion pad, JIM jacket and singlet with race bib and USA pin, white baseball cap, magic gloves (bought at a discount store around the corner), Power Bar, granola bar, tissues, Advil, and bottle containing Gatorade/water mixture. In bed by 10pm. I’m ready.
Trinity College “Companile” . . . . . . . Georgian windows . . . . . . lamp post
Zanzibar nightclub (site of post-race celebration) . . . . . . . O’Connell Monument (1882)
Street scenes . . . . . . . “you Are Here!”
Trinity College “West Front” (1751) . . . . . . . Trinity College
Patty visits Guinness Storehouse
Andrew and Jane . . . . . . . Writers Museum
The General Post Office (1818) . . . . . . . Liffey (Ha’Penny) Bridge (1816)
Jameson Distillery . . . . . . . Sue visits Jameson
Patty finds a drinking buddy . . . . . . . Wellington Monument (1817)
Outside at the Guinness brewery
Pasta Dinner: Andrew & Duncan . . . . . . . Ballroom at Lord Mayor’s residence
Pasta Dinner: Irish dancers entertain Joints in Motion group
Pasta Dinner: dancers
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Scot, Andrew, Duncan, Mark . . . . . . . Team Delaware enjoys the evening
International Breakfast Run
Breakfast Run . . . . . . . Outside Race Expo