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Marathon Man joined 5 fellow Rebel Runners for a weekend drive to Scranton, PA to run the 11th annual Steamtown Marathon. It boasts of a fast course that is good for PR’s and Boston Qualifiers.
On October 8, 2006, the weather was spectacular, with cool temperatures, cloudless sky and no wind. But the beautiful course had it’s ups and downs and presented a challenge. Our awesome ‘Steamy Rebel Supporters’ helped us all the way to the finish!
Marathon Man Runs PR in PA
Official Rebel Send-Off Party
“Olab” hosted a great pasta dinner on Friday evening, with over 20 in attendance. Good plentiful food and drink, and even a ‘Good Luck’ cake. The honor of wearing the famous ‘throw away’ jacket was bestowed upon Nessie. Runners and supporters were primed for the weekend!

Northeastern Pennsylvania’s Eleventh Annual Steamtown Marathon

Steamtown Marathon publication:
“You have been selected as a competitor in the 11th annual Steamtown Marathon to be held on a point-to-point, USATF certified course throught 14 historic communities in Northeastern Pennsylvania.”
“The Steamtown Marathon is a 26 mile, 385 yard, foot race. The course drops 955 feet in elevation from start to finish. The greatest drop in elevation occurs during the first eight miles.
This year’s course again features more than two miles of Rails To Trails along the Lackawanna River. The finish line will be on N. Washington Avenue in Downtown Scranton adjacent to the Lackawanna County Courthouse.”
Photos: Steamtown National Historic Site

Rebel Notes
– First of all, the Steamy Rebel Supporters did an awesome job, finding their way to a number of points to cheer us on! Thank you to Johnny Coco, Sit Down, Shidingo (is there an official spelling?), Silent, Megaphone, Deanna & Grant. Banners, silly UD hats, and all.
– I would not consider this a “PR” course due to some nasty downhills and some uphills at very inopportune times! I’ll take a flat course like Chicago or Delaware any day. Weather, however, was spectacular.
– Olab came in with an awesome 3:04:02 PR and must have drank any beer there was at the finish, because there was none for the rest of us.
– Tuckin (Rebel nickname for Marathon Man) also got a PR, but more importantly Megaphone would probably want you to know that he wore a dress shirt for half the race.
– All six Rebels finished and we were all very happy to see the finish. The ups and downs contributed to some very sore legs.
– I achieved my goal of a 3:15 chip time, so I was thrilled, especially since I really had to work for it! Upon receiving my medal, having the chip removed, and grabbing some grub, I walked back to mile 25.5 to encourage runners until the last of the Rebels completed the race. I was excited and hope that I pumped some people up for that final nasty hill!
– Once we all got together, we had just enough time to hurry back to the hotel for a quick shower and our late checkout time of 2pm. Then a relaxing 2.5 mile ride back to Delaware.

Ray on trail portion of race || Sam, my Kenyan hotel roommate || Crowd cheers near finish in Scranton
Marathon Man smashes P.R.