Run Marathon Man
Distance runner Ray Christensen
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Find a Race: DE / Philly Area
2002 Training Log
2002 Philly Distance Run
2002 DE Distance Classic 15K
2002 Dublin Marathon
Dublin: Sightseeing
Dublin: Pasta Dinner
Dublin City Marathon
Dublin: Celebration
2002 J.I.M. Bermuda
2002 J.I.M. Disneyworld
2003 Icicle, CR, Broad Street
2003 Marathon Training
2003 Humpy's Marathon
Alaska Trip: Travel and Cruise
Alaska: Humpy's Marathon
Alaska: Talkeetna, Denali
Alaska: Team Cobey Hiking
Alaska: Sightseeing Anchorage
Alaska: More Photos
2003 NYC Marathon
New York City Start
NYC Triumph
2004 Icicle Run in Wilmington
2004 Caesar Rodney Half
2004 Paris Marathon
Paris: Delaware Runners
Paris: Notre Dame, Louvre
Paris Marathon – Race Day
Paris: Cemetery, Eiffel Tower
Versailles & Paris Sightseeing
2004 Bay to Breakers
BTB in San Francisco
BTB Naked Runners
2004 Races & Training
2004 Chicago Marathon
Chicago Expo, Sightseeing
Chicago Race Day
Chicago Congratulations
2005 Winter Races
2005 Boston Marathon
Boston Bus Trip
Boston Marathon – Race Day
Marathon Press Recap
2005 Summer Races
2005 Twin Cities Marathon
2006 Boston Marathon
Boston Bus Trip
Hopkinton to Boylston St.
2006 Steamtown Marathon
2007 Big Sur Marathon
2007 Marine Corps Marathon
2008 New Jersey Marathon
2008 Breakers Marathon
2009 Disney World Marathon
Disney Marathon Trip
Goofy Challenge Races
2009 Boston Marathon
Boston Bus, Expo, Rebels
113th Boston Marathon
Boston Globe Photos
2009 California Intl Marathon
2010 Country Music Marathon
2010 Wineglass Marathon
2011 Garden Spot Marathon
2011 Marine Corps Half
2011 Philadelphia Marathon
2012 Bob Potts Marathon
2012 Hartford Marathon
2013 Vermont City Marathon
2014 Ave of Giants Marathon
2014: Northern California
2014 Monster Mash Mar.
2015 River Towns Marathon
2015 Richmond Marathon
2018 Baltimore Marathon
Contact Ray
October 22, 2018
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